Class Policies

Behavior Policy

At the beginning of the year we will create an agreed upon list of class norms which will serve as our class expectations and rules for the year. As students help to build our list of class norms, they grow a sense of responsibility for their expectations. 

On a daily basis we will use an Evidence Notebook. This behavior management system is used throughout the day to document our behavior as individuals.

  • Students create the class norms list so that everyone knows and is responsible for upholding class expectations.
  • If a student breaks a norm (or rule) he must sign in to the Evidence Notebook (sign name).
  • A second disruption or norm-breaking will result in a check beside his name (loss of 5 min. of recess).
  • A third disruption will result in a second check (two checks = 10 min. loss of recess)
  • A fourth disruption will result in a third check (three checks = spend your recess writing a note home to parents about why the student must miss recess)
  • Any disruptions after this point will result in being written up (major or minor depending on circumstances). These issues will be discussed with the principal and parents. 

This year we will grow to be accountable and responsible for our actions! 

Grades & Homework Policy

A = 93-100

B = 85-92

C = 75-84

D= 70-74

F = Below 70

I will allow one retest on any major tests on which a student receives a score lower than 60.


•Students will have consistent weekly homework in various subjects. Your child will need to study the spelling words and be reading a book of his/her choosing on a nightly basis. He or she will also need to be practicing math fluency facts (multiplication) each night.

•Occasionally  your child may have unfinished class work to complete at home to turn in the following day.

•Students will turn in finished homework to our Homework Bin in the classroom.

•Late Policy: If your child fails to turn in an assignment, he or she must turn it in as soon as possible (points will be deducted for each day late.) If assignments aren’t turned in due to absence, your child will have as many days to turn in as he/she was absent (absent 3 days=3 days to get homework turned in.)

•I will assign homework Mondays-Thursdays (Spelling and Reading Tests will be given on Thursdays)

•Students will keep a Homework Log in their Daily Folders. Please check each day and sign/return in folder.